Google Glass Addiction: US Navy Serviceman Allegedly Treated For Google Glass Addiction Reported Feeling Irritable When Device Was Removed, Dreaming He Was Wearing It

A 31-year-old US Navy serviceman had checked into the Navy’s Substance Abuse and Recovery Program (Sarp) for alcoholism treatment, but is alleged to have been suffering from what could be addiction to Google Glass, The Guardian reports.

According to the British news source, when the patient checked into the facility, he was suffering from involuntary movements, cravings, memory problems and dreaming as if he was wearing the glasses.

Doctors wrote that the patient “reported that if he had been prevented from wearing the device while at work, he would become extremely irritable and argumentative.”

Doctors noticed that the patient repeatedly tapped his right temple with his index finger and he said that the movement was an involuntarily mimic of a motion he regularly used to switch on the heads-up display on his Google Glass.

The US Navy serviceman claimed that “he was going through withdrawal from his Google Glass” and the experience “was greater than the alcoholo withdrawal he was experiencing.”

The man spent 35 days at the center, after which he reported a reduction in irritability and was no longer repeatedly moving his hand to his temple. Doctors, however, said that he continued to “intermittently experience dreams as if looking through the device.”
According to CNN, citing the study that released the report on the alleged Google Glass addiction, the incident with the US Navy serviceman is the first known case of Internet addiction disorder involving the wearable device. The addiction is not a recognized disorder in the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the handbook for mental health professionals, the news site note.

Google Glass is the flagship wearable by the internet giant and is currently available for developers and selected individuals only. It’s official availability date in the States is yet to be determined, but controversy surrounding the device has been circulating since it was first introduced by Mountain View-based Google.

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