Chris Noth Addresses “Sex And The City 3" Rumors, Calls Carrie Bradshaw ‘A Whore’

With rumors flying around that there may be another "Sex and the City" film, the franchise's star Chris Noth has decided to weigh in on the matter.

The actor also had a few things to say about playing one half of the Carrie Bradshaw/Big love affair in the films and the original HBO series.

Firstly, Noth, who know plays opposite Julianna Margulies on "The Good Wife," finds that fans tend to find a lot of his SATC character Big in all of his roles.  

"Even with The Good Wife people accuse me of always playing powerful men. But they're flawed," the actor told "Big was powerful because he had a lot of money and he seemed to have the upper hand in the relationship, but emotionally he was a wreck."

"Actually, no: he was what he was," Noth added. "One of the things I tell people is that he never tried to pretend he was anything other than what he was. It was [Carrie] who tried to pretend he was something he wasn't." 

Although Carrie, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, and Big eventually tied the knot in the first "Sex and the City" film, the pair's relationship had quite a few ups and downs throughout the course of the HBO series.

"The relationship just didn't work, and he [Mr. Big] went on to get married while she went on to-how many boyfriends did she have? She was such a whore!" Noth joked. "There's a misconception that Carrie was a victim of him, and that's not the case-she was a strong, smart woman."

Fans of the HBO series have recently been buzzing about the potential of a "Sex and the City 3" film. However, some doubt that the sequel will ever come to fruition, due to the poor reviews that "Sex and the City 2" raked in.

"I don't think it was a bomb," said Noth, regarding the second film. "But I think because they're greedy, it didn't make as much money as they wanted...I think it was considered an indulgence and a distraction because it hit right when the recession happened. People were like, 'Who gives a f--k about these broads going to Dubai when we can't pay our mortgage?'" 

The actor also revealed that the negative reviews of the sequel had a real impact on the film's stars.

"The critical response was overwhelmingly negative," said Noth. "There was not one good review of that film. Not one. And I think it was very hurtful for the girls, because [the reviews] got personal."

In terms of another edition to the franchise, Noth feels that the story would have to be extremely fresh, considering the original series premiered on HBO over sixteen years ago.

"You've got Girls now, which is much tougher and more realistic....I'm not sure there'd be an appetite for it?" said the actor. "It's kind of had its day. He'd [Sex and the City writer Michael Patrick King] have to be really smart to make it relevant. I mean, we're all getting older...What would it be? 'Carrie, goddamnit, my bladder!'"

sex and the city 3
Sex and the City
sex and the city sequel
Chris Noth
Sarah Jessica Parker
The Good Wife
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