Madonna's Blessing "Sister For Life" On Twitter To The Voice Italy Winner Singing Nun Gone Viral; Sister Cristina Scuccia To Release Debut Album On November Despite A ‘No’ From Church

Thirty years since it hit the chart, Madonna's classic single "Like A Virgin" still holds resonance among music artists today including the much lauded The Voice Italy winner Sister Cristina Scuccia who made a cover on that song as her debut single. With this, the 56-year old singer showed her support by posting a message to the nun on Twitter.

In her social media page, Madonna posted a photoshopped picture of Madonna and the 26-year old nun with the caption "Like A Virgin? #bitinghard.

Other posts of the artist further hinted the artist's support for the Italian nun saying "Sisters for Life!" it comes with the hashtag #touchedfortheveryfirsttime.

Despite the nun's newly-achieved stature, representatives from the Catholic church recently raised eyebrows on her for selecting a song that has previously decried by the Church for the profane use of the Blessed Mother's image in its original video in the 1980s.

As reported by Telegraph UK, Hollywood screenwriter and Catholic cultural commentator Barbara Nicolosi has previously commented saying that a nun making a cover of a profane song is like "a group of Israeli teenagers suddenly thinking it would be cool to put a swastika on their T-shirts."

A "reckless and sly commercial operation", these are negative comments from Italy's Religious Information Service in Scuccia's recording of the song.

However, in a separate interview with the Italian Catholic daily L'Avvenire as quoted by The Guardian, the singing nun strongly insisted saying that she does not want to "provoke or scandalize" the church but simply liked the song as it expresses "the capacity to love, making people new, and rescuing them from their past."

"If you ready the lyrics without being influenced by what has gone before, you discover that it is a song about the capacity of love to make people new again. To release them from their past. And this is how I wanted to interpret it. That's why we've transformed it from the pop-dance track it was into a romantic ballad a bit in the style of [American singer-songwriter] Amos Lee."

Sister Cristina Scuccia's debut album will be released on November 11 this year.

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