Actress Rosamund Pike Got Pregnant Because Of Stress Levels In 'Gone Girl' Set?; Says Having A Baby Is Best Antidote

Their lives are very different--Rosamund Pike being happy in a domestic relationship with French businessman Robie Uniacke is way different from the psychotic Amy Elliott-Dunne, a character she recently played in the blockbuster "Gone Girl." With this, the 35-year old Brit actress said the playing the challenging character has caused her a lot of trauma that made her decide that delivering another baby in her life is the best antidote to all stress.

'After filming I just knew I had to go out there and make a human being. The film was so tough and such a hard experience that the instant I'd finished I thought, 'I need to bring something positive into the world. Life is good with little people around," she said in an interview with Daily Mail.

She had based her decision from her happiness in being with her first kid, Solo. "If you have a little boy, you walk through the door at home and you get on to the floor with some Lego - that's a wonderful antidote."

Describing the film as toxic for its physical and psychological violence, Rosamund Pike said she is uncomfortable seeing the movie on the big screen in its New York premiere.

"Seeing it on screen was hard even for me - and I'd played the role. As a pregnant woman I felt so far away from that narcissistic woman. It's the sort of part that does make you look at yourself and wonder where the movie role ends and the real self begins," the Pride and Prejudice celebrity said.

In the interview, the actress further revealed that she does not want to bring the discomfort and the trauma in watching the movie when she gets home and spend time with her son, Solo.

Meanwhile, when asked about her feelings on her recent stellar success from being a Bond Girl to playing Amy in David Fincher's 'Gone Girl', the Brit celebrity happily said that she still has her old self intact.

"Even though I've played a variety of roles I'm still seen in the same light: the reserved, cool one from Oxford."

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