Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel Prove Marriage Still Solid After Divorce Rumor; 'Sexy Back' Singer, 'Total Recall' Actress To Soon Announce She's Pregnant?

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel continue to disprove divorce rumors, as the "Sexy Back" singer and the "Total Recall" actress will allegedly announce soon that they are expecting a baby.

The couple went on a hike in the foothills in Los Angeles last Friday as rumors about Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel divorce continue to hound them. The actress was dressed in black leggings and black tank top which, MailOnline noted, "spilled over what appeared to be a baby bump."

"Perhaps to further disguise her figure, she wore another shirt wrapped around her waist, both sleeves tied strategically in front," the British tabloid said.

Meanwhile, Hollywood Life reported that family and friends are expecting soon the announcement that Jessica Biel is pregnant.

"Her friends are waiting for the good news to be confirmed. Jessica is being extremely private right now, but it's no secret that she and Justin have been trying for a while to get pregnant. Jessica is more than ready to become a mom, it's something she wants badly," the source told the website.

If true, the baby should lay to rest those nasty Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel divorce rumors. In fact, now that it's reported that Jessica Biel is pregnant, there are more reports that she's ready for another one.

"Almost all of Jessica's close friends have kids and she's more than ready to join the club. She said that she wants at least two kids because she and her brother are so close. She wants her children to have that sibling bond; she feels it's very important," the website added.

If Jessica Biel is pregnant, then it would be a welcome news for the couple based on the interview she did with E! News as she promoted "The Truth About Emanuel" last year. She said in that interview when asked about her baby plans, "'I don't know. I'm not quite sure about sooner or later, but definitely at some point."

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