Anne Hathaway News: Interstellar Actress Alleged To Have Snob Argentinian Journalist In Film Promotion, Refuses To Shake Hands For Fear of Ebola

Anne Hathaway News: The Interstellar actress is said to have acted very badly in meeting Argentinian journalist Alexis Puig who flew all the way from Buenos Aires only to witness the film's premiere in Los Angeles on Friday, reports on the Daily Mail said. On his Twitter, the journalist has announced his dismay over the actress for not shaking hands with him fearing that she will contact ebola.

Originally in Spanish, Puig wrote: "Anne Hathaway no me dio la mano 'por miedo al ebola #soyunperiodistadeltercermundo, he said.

When translated, it says, "Anne Hathaway didn't shake my hand because she was she was afraid of ebola #I'mAThirdWorldJournalist."

The journalist, however, said that other co-stars are acting normally that time.

"Christopher Nolan, Matthew McConaughey and Jessica Chastain were great in the interviews [and none of them denied me their hands].Take that Anne!," Puig's translated statement goes.

On Sunday, he tweeted one last time, hinting that his pride was hurt with the incident.

"Thank you to everyone for your comments. Luckily I'm already in Buenos Aires, Argentina (city and country free of Ebola)...and at home Anne?," he said.

However, reps of the actress strongly denied such claims saying that the 32-year old actress is having a cold in the movie premiere and does not want her fans or anybody to take the virus from her. The statement was made in an inquiry made by the Daily Mail.

"That is nonsense - she wasn't shaking anyone's hands because she was coming down with a cold and didn't want to get anyone sick," they said.

Directed by Christopher Nolan, Interstellar talks about the journey of astronauts in outer space as they search for possible habitats that humans can live in, in case the end of planet  Earth will come.

Anne Hathaway comes with other co-stars Jessica Chastain and Matthew McConnauhey who is recently dubbed as "the new Paul Newman", an icon in sci-fi flicks.

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