Flash Mob At 2NE1 New Evolution LA Concert Aims To Inspire

"2NE1 was able to bring together a group, dancers to non-dancers, and make them shine. This flash mob not only brought out 2NE1, but also the dancer within every individual. I focused on helping people get out of their shells and dance like no one's watching."  These are words that Victoria Loi (aka VitaMeVi) shared to describe the reason and inspiration for spearheading choreography and organizing the Southern California 2NE1 flash mob. As previously reported on KpopStarz, a mob of fans entertained other fans in line for the 2NE1 New Evolution concert in LA on Friday shortly before the concert started.

Bringing together a group of people, who can even be strangers to each other, is already a tough feat.  It is tougher still to have these people do the same things together, especially complicated dance steps found in Hallyu stars' (e.g., 2NE1) routines.  

Victoria shared with us what really happened behind-the-scenes.  The mob team from Orange County, California practiced each Saturday for 2-3 hours for a month.   They learned choreography for about five 2NE1 songs.  Together with her co-organizer, Ricky, she utilized the power of YouTube to upload their practice videos and have those who couldn't come to practices in-person due to location and time practice in the comfort of their rooms/home.  This same video is what they used to generate buzz, and invite more people through social media to join the flash mob as the concert date loomed near. 

But what really fueled their passionate efforts?  The partnership with K-Pop United is what.  K-Pop United is an organization that's dedicated to giving back to the K-pop community by raising money to help underprivileged K-Pop fans realize their dreams.  The flash mob participants knew that their efforts are accomplishing multiple achievements:  promoting 2NE1, spreading word about K-Pop, and giving back to the community.  These were reasons enough for them to dance because they truly want to, and because it makes them happy.  2NE1 must be proud of these fans.

Writer: Dorothy A. @KPopStarz / Photo & Video: Mark Francis Ubiadas @KpopStarz

flash mob
New Evolution
Nokia Theatre
Los Angeles
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