Tom Daley, Boyfriend Dustin Lance Black Offer Themselves For Charity? Olympic Diver Wishes To Have 'More Musical Genes'

Tom Daley and boyfriend Dustin Lance Black have offered themselves for a double date for the sake of charity. Meanwhile, the Olympic diver wished that he could be a member of One Direction.

In the video clip posted on YouTube, Tom Daley and boyfriend Dustin Lance Black were seated on the sofa and spoke directly to the camera.

"We're so excited to announce that we're offering you and a guest the chance to win a VIP trip to London to join us for the greatest double date ever," Tom Daley starts.

Dustin Lance Black then adds: "It's gonna be such an amazing night. First, you'll get a makeover from a professional stylist before taking a ride on the London Eye. And then, having dinner with us at one of the best restaurants in town."

"To top it all off, after dinner, we'll take you to some of our favorite spots in town," the Olympic diver butts in.

According to ITV, Tom Daley and boyfriend Dustin Lance Black hope to raise money for their charities such as the Brain Tumour Charity and the Human Rights Campaign, which is a US-based organization advocating for gay rights.

Tom Daley's father died in 2011 from a brain tumor, while Dustin Lance Black's gay brother also died about a year later.

Meanwhile, the Olympic diver talked about his frustrations about becoming a musical performer to MTV News.

According to MTV, per Sugarscape, if the "diving thing" didn't pan out, he would have wanted to be a member of a boy band.

"I'd probably have to say One Direction. But I can't sing or dance, so in another life I'd have to have a few more musical genes..." he said.

He is friends with members of One Direction so that's a first step. However, he said that they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Tom Daley
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Dustin Lance Black
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