Whoopi Goldberg Calls ‘The View’ Feud Rumors Sexist! ‘Nobody Ever Asks Those Questions To The Guys’

People have been gossiping about the alleged "feuds" between the co-hosts of "The View" since the show began.

Now host Whoopi Goldberg is revealing her take on the constant speculation that she and her colleagues don't get along. And according to her, the rumors are sexist.

While sitting down for an interview on "Late Night with David Letterman" on Thursday, Letterman asked the famous comedienne how she likes working with her new co-hosts Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie Perez, and Nicolle Wallace.

"New women. Just a bunch of new women and really smart women and I like them," answered Goldberg. "People keep saying 'Oh my god I'm hearing everything you guys are killing each other over there' it's like 'Oh, okay, you've got four chicks and people expect you to fight...Women don't just do that." 

Elaborating further on the subject, Goldberg brought up another talk show with male co-hosts, who don't face the same criticism as the team on "The View."

"Nobody ever asks those questions to the guys," she said. "You've got five guys on ESPN and maybe they're sniping at each other but nobody says, 'Oh the dudes are fighting.'" 

"You know we're grown-ups," continued Goldberg. "We're hip grown-ups and we're good-looking women but the fighting thing, teenagers are doing that, that's some stuff kids do, we don't do that. It's too tiring!" 

As for the belief that the ladies on "The View" with different political beliefs don't get along, Goldberg struck down that notion as well.

"In this country we've forgotten...when I was a kid at least, you knew people who weren't thinking exactly like you and it didn't mean that you couldn't be friends," said the Academy Award winning actress. "And for some reason we have this things that's like, 'You can't be friends with somebody you don't agree with.' It's ridiculous." 

whoopi goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg Rosie O Donell the view
The View
Nicolle Wallace
rosie o'donnell
Rosie Perez
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