Wonder Girls Held a Live Chat on Z100!

The Wonder Girls held a live online chat today on Z100 at 2PM EST.

The members all wore cute and colorful outfits and had a great time interacting with their fans through this live chat.

They received many questions through twitter and were able to answer a few questions from their fans.

They were asked questions about what their favorite sports were as well as their favorite songs.

One tweet asked one or all of them to show the "Gangnam Style" dance move in which Yubin volunteered and danced the moves perfectly.

They also gave a shout out to their fans in the Philippines as well.

Although the chat was very short, many fans entered the chat and was able to leave messages and questions for the Wonder Girls.

The Wonder Girls will be holding a I Heart Radio concert tonight in New York. This show will be broadcasted live through 70 different radio websites.

You can watch replay of the live chat here.

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