Kendra Wilkinson And Hank Baskett Marriage Woes All Fake? Former Playboy Playmate’s Mother Hints 'Kendra On Top' Might Be All Lies

For the past few months, Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett marriage troubles have made several headlines. Despite the former Playboy playmate's continous denial that her husband's cheating scandal is being forged for television, her mother is singing a different tune.

On her Twitter page, Patti Wilkinson hints that not everything featured on the "Kendra on Top" episodes are real. Is it possible that Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett marriage troubles are being exaggerated to increase the show's ratings?

Following the November 14 episode of "Kendra on Top," the older Wilkinson wrote: "Amazes me how people watch reality tv shows & think it's all real & true. Smh c'mon people!"

She, however, did not clarify if she was pertaining to Baskett's cheating scandal with transgendered YouTube model, Ava Sabrina London.

Some are speculating that she is only referring to the things her daughter said about her on the series. The mother and daughter previously had a fight because the former Playboy playmate accused her mother of leaking private family information.

"Those two are so caught up in the show. It's all Kendra thinks about. It's disgusting, especially when you are hurting your own mother. I'm there for you when you need me the most, and this is how you pay me back? ... All I know is, I can't do this anymore. I love my kids more than anything, but when a television show becomes more important than your relationship with your mom, it's time to realize that your priorities are messed up," Wilkinson previously told The Star.

She also thinks that Kendra's recent effort to reconnect with her estranged father in Costa Rica is only fuelled by her desire to boost the show's ratings.

"Kendra and Hank are all about the ratings, so I knew they went there with a planned story line where, because of Hank's infidelity, Kendra felt it was important to reconnect with her estranged dad," she told the publication.

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Kendra Wilkinson
Hank Baskett
Patti Wilkinson
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