Heidi Montag Regrets Having Her Chin Reduced In Plastic Surgery Operation; Says Nasty Messages Online Affects Her Self-Esteem

Heidi Montag confessed in a recent interview with Extra that being in ten plastic surgery operations in a day in 2009 has caused her pain and distress. The decision to avail of such operations, according to the actress, is hugely due to criticisms she has received from the public who sent her nasty messages online.

"Blogs were just starting then. People would write the meanest nastiest things and sometimes I would read them and then I started feeling them. 'I disliked myself so much I literally chopped up my whole body. I'm surgery girl. That sucks," the starlet told reporter Renee Bargh and Dr. Armand Dorian during the show.

Daily Mail said that the 28-year old actress has undergone breast implants, liposuction, a chin reduction, a nose job, an eyebrow lift, an operation that pins back her ears among other operations that have caused her at least $30,000.

Years after the operation, the reality star is said to have started feeling pain in her body where surgery is done. Last year, the actress went another surgery, this time, for breast reduction. Though, the actress has vowed not to undergo any operation but the weight of her F-cup breasts has proven to be cumbersome.

"My implants were falling through. They were three pounds each so I was really miserable. Obviously, I didn't want to go back into surgery, but it was really necessary," she said.

Montag also confessed that her jaw hurts.

"Getting my chin reduced, because I have TMJ [Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders] now and my jaw hurts. I don't think people do tell you the trauma of what you're going to heal from. I was in so much pain, I actually thought I was going to die."

Later in the show, the reality star is presented with snapshots of her self when he was still a teenager before she went into show business.

Sometimes it makes me a little sad because I see not only what I look like, but who I was. I'm just done with all of it. I'm going to age gracefully and bow out," she said while looking at her old pictures.

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