‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Cancellation Update: Chickadee Struggling To Make Ends Meet Following Scandal? Reality Star Criticized For Asking For Donations

Mama June isn't the only one making headlines following the cancellation of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" full episodes. Recently, her daughter Anna Cardwell or more known as Chickadee, has been criticized for soliciting money through a self-created GoFundMe page.

Chickadee initially aimed for $20,000 before shutting down the page. She said: "I'm deleting my fund me cause everyone thinks I'm money hungry."

While some were quick to criticize, some made sure to extend their suggestions on how Cardwell could earn cash.

"You're very capable of making a ton of money. Have you approached agents or PR people at all? You aren't the type to want a hand-out. You're young, smart, pretty and have a story to tell. Dancnig with the Stars DOES pay a ton of cash and they teach you how to dance. Duck Dynasty, Kardashian went on it - you'd be great. America wants to see you," wrote Julie London Ferguson on Cardwell's page.

Trudy Reed-Brown believes that Cardwell could seek advice from a renowned human behavior expert: "Anna please listen to me. You need to go and talk to an attorney. Before you do something you can't get yourself out of. Please reach out to Dr. Phil he can recommend a direction for you and your career. Ask him for some recommendations about your rights and future endeavors. Please I don't want you to be sorry for anything that you do. And I don't want you to get hurt or used or even sued for anything. Please."

Production for new "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" full episodes has been cancelled by TLC because of Mama June's alleged rekindling of romance with child molester Mark McDaniel - the same man who allegedly abused Cardwell when she was eight-years-old. He just finished serving a decade-long prison sentence.

Many expressed concern over the children's safety because of Mama June's questionable link with McDaniel. She, however, denied the accusations and insisted that she wouldn't compromise her children's welfare.

In the middle of such controversy, TMZ reports that family patriarch Mike Thompson or Sugar Bear has returned to the house in an attempt to work out his and Mama June's differences.

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Honey Boo Boo
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
Anna Cardwell
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