'Friends' Star Jennifer Aniston Forgives Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie; 'We're All Human Beings We Make Mistakes'

America's Sweetheart Jennifer Aniston received an outpouring sympathy following her very controversial split with ex-husband Brad Pitt.

While the 45-year-old "Friends" alum tried her best to keep mum about the breakup her fans were one of the first cast a stone on Brad for allegedly leaving Aniston for Angelina Jolie - now the wife of the 50-year-old hunk.

Nine years of keeping quiet the A-list actress finally decided to open her mouth and talk about the incident.

While, most expected Jen to ill-talk Brangelina, she actually did the opposite.

On her interview for the December/January issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine Jennifer Aniston clearly stated that she's a "forgiving person" and that she rather let go of all the negativity in her life because it just "builds up like a toxic waste."

"[I'm] a forgiving person. I absolutely am. I think it's extremely important to forgive. Otherwise it just builds up like toxic waste. There's nothing worse than holding a grudge.

"Listen, people can do unforgivable things, but you have to let it go and say, 'Look, we're all human beings. We make mistakes.' To hold any kind of resentment is like taking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die."

She also gladly shared her experiences after turning 40, claiming that she had never been more happier now.

"I've had more fun post-40 than I can remember, from a work point of view, a physical point of view, a psychotherapeutic point of view," also revealing that she took a break from dating to focus on herself.

"It really helped me get to a place where I was more comfortable with myself, truly ready for love and for a partner. The past wasn't 'less than.' It was extremely important to my growth as a woman," explaining the importance of her past to what she has become today.

Now Jennifer Aniston has fully recovered from the heartbreak she went through with former husband Brad Pitt.

She is happily engaged with "The Leftovers" star Justin Theroux, whom she can't stop talking about.

"It's almost impossible to get bored with one another/ We've tried so hard! And even that's interesting because his eyes are so pretty, but we can entertain ourselves and talk about endless things, which is pretty great," Jen gushed.

Do you think it's about time for Jennifer Aniston to finally forgive his ex-husband, Brad Pitt? Share your thoughts below.

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