Haha Invites Jason Mraz to His Wedding, "Are You Coming To My Wedding?"

HaHa expressed that he wants to invite Jason Mraz to his wedding.

Today, HaHa posted a picture of musician Jason Mraz on his Twitter, saying "Mraz... Are you going to come to my wedding?"

HaHa has been singing Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" comically on MBC "Infinite Challenge," and showed much love for Mraz by putting things such as "Would you do featuring for me. Mraz. Mraz. Mraz.", "I'm popular in Korea, Mraz, you just wait", and such other comments on his Twitter.

Internet users who saw this commented, "Jason Mraz, reply," "They should meet now," and "Time for Psy to intercede?"

Photo Credit: Newsen

Jason Mraz
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