B.A.P Takes Over Taiwan with 'Crash’

B.A.P, who came back from Taiwan showcase on September 22, is ending the official activities for "Crash."

B.A.P released the first mini album with the title song "No Mercy" and continued on the activities with the new song "Crash," increasing official fan club members over 60,000, earning the title of '2012 best rookie.'

"No Mercy" ranked first place on German Asian Music Chart, and ranked first place on K-POP Taiwan G-Music chart for five consecutive weeks.

B.A.P showed a contrasting image from before with "Crash," showing the lovable, funny side of the boys. They also gained a lot of attention with the stage performed with Brownie.

Proving this point, over 2,000 fans came to the Taiwan Showcase on September 22. Also, Channel V, MTV, UDN and 50 other media outlets came to cover the event, referring to B.A.P as 'K-Pop King of the Rookie.'

Below are photos taken at the airport and showcase itself, provided by TS Entertainment.

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