JK Rowling To Release 12 New Harry Potter Stories In Time For Christmas: Harry Potter 12 Days Of Christmas Series Comes In Daily Increments With Riddles For Readers To Solve [PHOTO]

JK Rowling is currently busy giving Harry Potter fans good cheer by releasing 12 new Harry Potter stories - called the 12 Days of Harry Potter Christmas Series - for fans to enjoy. According to US Magazine, the first of the stories was released December 12 on Pottermore.com.

Supposedly, each new story will come with a riddle to solve before it can be read, and will center on some of Rowling's most beloved characters. In the story that came out this Friday, readers had to solve this riddle: "In a house on Spinner's End, a meeting takes place; a mother begs help for her son, tears on her face. Agreeing to help, though he doesn't know how. Which potions master performs an unbreakable vow?"

For those who are unable to guess, the answer is Severus Snape! According to TIME Magazine, the story returns readers to the town of Cokeworth, where Petunia (as in the horrid Aunt Petunia), her sister Lily (Harry's mother), and Severus Snape all grew up. Just to help jog your memory along - Cokeworth was where Petunia felt shunned after learning she didn't have any magical powers. Anyway, now it is confirmed that Snape and Lily grew up in the same area, suggesting that his love for her goes back farther than we once knew.

Today's story is quite short - only three paragraphs! However, there is a hint about the unbreakable vow that Snape made when he promised to protect Draco Malfoy at the start of "The Half Blood Prince."

Keep on the lookout for more stories! Rowling has said that she will be posting a new one every day at 8 a.m. EST leading up to Christmas Eve.

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12 Days of Harry Potter Christmas Series
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