George Clooney Blasts Media And Hollywood For Sony Hack Scandal; Calls Them Cowards When Nobody Stood Up For Sony In The Attack

After several celebrities were put on the spot due to the Sony Pictures hack, actor George Clooney lambasts the media and Hollywood for failing to support those affected in the Sony hack.

Previously, Sony Pictures was the target of a cyberterrorist attack, with North Korea suspected of being responsible for the online offense. As a result, Sony cancelled the release of the satirical comedy "The Interview," which has a story featuring the CIA attempting to assassinate dictator Kim Jong-un. [Update: Sony has announced that they have not yet given up on the fight.]

Several Sony Pictures executives like Amy Pascal and Michael Lynton were scandalized because of the emails that leaked.

There was even a cover letter threatening to bomb theaters if "The Interview" was launched. Even George Clooney was involved in the Sony hack, as leaked emails revealed that the actor somehow got depressed over the cold reception of his directorial project "The Monuments Men."

According to George Clooney, who also previously somehow predicted that the email he wrote Pascal was hacked, the most powerful people in Hollywood were so scared to be targeted by the same group of hackers that they refused to sign a simple petition of support that George Clooney and Bryan Lourd, his agent, initiated against the Sony hack.

George Clooney said in the Deadline exclusive interview about the Sony hack, "A good portion of the press abdicated its real duty. They played the fiddle while Rome burned. There was a real story going on. With just a little bit of work, you could have found out that it wasn't just probably North Korea; it was North Korea. The Guardians of Peace is a phrase that Nixon used when he visited China. When asked why he was helping South Korea, he said it was because we are the Guardians of Peace. Here, we're talking about an actual country deciding what content we're going to have."

He added, "This affects not just movies, this affects every part of business that we have. That's the truth. What happens if a newsroom decides to go with a story, and a country or an individual or corporation decides they don't like it? Forget the hacking part of it. You have someone threaten to blow up buildings, and all of a sudden everybody has to bow down. Sony didn't pull the movie because they were scared; they pulled the movie because all the theaters said they were not going to run it. And they said they were not going to run it because they talked to their lawyers and those lawyers said if somebody dies in one of these, then you're going to be responsible."

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george clooney
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