‘Teen Mom 2’ Leah Messer And Jeremy Calvert Back Together; ‘Mistress’ Brittany Musick Says Couple Can Pretend To Be Happy

It has been a tough year for "Teen Mom 2" Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert. Following Messer's cheating scandal which she later denied, several headlines have surfaced about the two's rocky marriage. However, it appears that the two have already patched things up.

Recently, the 22-year-old mom revealed their plans to have a romantic getaway in Tennessee. The reunited couple is reportedly looking forward to stay in a cabin. Some are speculating that Messer is merely making up things to assure fans that her marriage won't end up in divorce.

All throughout the "Teen Mom 2" Leah Messer cheating scandal, the MTV star has remained positive in her social networking sites. Brittany Musick, the girl who has been tagged as the "Teen Mom mistress," likewise claimed that Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert indeed got back together.

On Twitter, she claims that she has already moved on: "I'm not worried about Jeremy or Leah, he can stay with his cheating wife. & pretend their[sic] so happy. I'm over it. Give it a break people."

Musick is the girl Calvert interacted with. Screenshots of their messages have eventually emerged with Calvert even offering to book a room for their meet-up. Musick claims she is unaware that Calvert's still with Messer. The meet-up also did not happen.

For those saying that Musick only wants to appear in the show, she says that television
"isn't her thing."

What do you think of "Teen Mom 2" Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert's reconciliation?

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