Amber Rose Not Dating So She Can Reunite With Wiz Khalifa?

Is Amber Rose still holding out dating so she could reunite with estranged husband Wiz Khalifa?

In a report from Madamenoir, Amber Rose seemed to still have some feelings for her ex and wants to get back to him.

The report was based on an Instagram post shared by the model to her 3.1 million followers. In the photo, Amber Rose is wearing a hoodie and dark sunglasses as she smiles for the camera. She captioned the image: "Miami bound."

But the photo is not the story.

In the comments section, one of her followers named Mister Calderon suggested: "you should get back with wiz!"

To which she replied: @mister_calderon I want to."

The thread was captured and posted on the Instagram by The Shade Room.

One commenter wrote: "Lol guess she got tired of twerkin on Chris :b"

Another said: "Oh shut up milf u wasn't thinking bout wiz when u was rubbing ur fake ass on Chris."

The Amber Rose response to the suggestion that she gets back with Wiz Khalifa explains her post a few days ago.

Amber Rose posted on Wednesday a selfie on her Instagram account showing her with white-rim sunglasses and wearing a tight-fitting tank top that showed a lot of cleavage. She captioned the selfie simply: "I miss u."

The Mirror speculated that Amber Rose could be missing her ex Wiz Khalifa because she's not reported to be dating anybody right now.

"Amber is currently undergoing divorce proceedings from her husband, and father of her child, Wiz Khalifa," it said. "The couple announced that they were separating after only one year of marriage in September 2014."

Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa have split late last year and although the real reason for the breakup wasn't very clear, the model took exception to the suggestion that she cheated on him. In a social media post, she claimed that she never cheated all throughout their relationship although she could not say the same thing about him.

Following the split, Amber Rose was rumored to be dating Nick Cannon, which was denied by both camps.

Amber Rose
wiz khalifa
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