Kristen Stewart Denies Stepping Away From 'Twilight' Franchise, Portrayer Of Bella Swan Says It 'Made Me Who I Am' [PHOTO]

This past Thursday, Kristen Stewart appeared on "Late Night with Seth Meyers." During the show, she discussed a variety of things - including her bond with current co-star Julianne Moore and her feelings on the "Twilight" franchise.

According to E Online, Stewart is currently starring opposite of Moore in "Still Alice," a film where she plays the daughter of a woman with Alzheimer's. The heavy subject matter didn't scare her - she said of the experience, "With anything that's worth doing it's always gonna scare you a bit."

She continued, "And you'd have to be a bit of a sociopath to not stand in front of what Julianne did and be affected by it. Anything in that movie that you see, it's so real. We were so honestly just there together. If an audience is affected it's because these actors have probably had a genuine experience together."

Stewart is known to "decompress" after finishing each film she takes part in. According to US Magazine, she described the experience to Meyers, saying, "You're completely invested for every moment until the very last. Then when it's done, its like, 'Go home. Stop thinking about it. You're done.' So yeah, I feel like I need to either go scrape my knees, or get a sunburn, get a tattoo or chop my hair off. I feel like, 'I'm me again. This is mine. My mind, body, everything.' It's mine again."

Many people have been wondering whether Stewart has been trying to "decompress" after her Twilight fame and step away from the franchise's image. When the topic came up, she stated, "Oh man, honestly, those are my high school years... In no way am I choosing little indie movies to step away from it."

She continued, "Twilight blew up and I still look at it as something that made me who I am. In no way am I distancing myself... I'm just trying to do cool stuff."

Kristen Stewart
Still Alice
Julianne Moore
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