'Multiplicity 2: Game Of Clones' Makes Waiting For George R.R. Martin's 'Winds Of Winter' Release Date Worth It?

The release of "Multiplicity 2: Game of Clones" clip makes the waiting for George R.R. Martin's "Winds of Winter" tolerable at least.

The "Multiplicity 2: Game of Clones" trailer is a fun take on the "Multiplicity" film in 1996 starring Michael Keaton, playing the character Doug Kinney who duplicated himself in order to finish all his tasks.

In the same concept, the parody for the "Game of Thrones" posits the question: what if George R.R. Martin is able to duplicate himself? Would he be able to accelerate the release date for "Winds of Winter?"

The 2:53 minute trailer was produced by HUMORDy.com and Ralph Smyth Entertainment, starring Sam Eidson, Amy Jordan, Andrew Matthews, Michael Jastroch, Byron Brown, Andy Young, Brett Tribe, Liz Waters and Lisa Friedrich.

"As a bonus, 'Zero Charisma's' Sam Eidson plays Martin (and all of his glorious personalities) in this sappy trailer imagining a world where clones help Martin speak at a book store and continue detailing what Tyrion breaks his fast on at the same time," said Film School Rejects.

Fast to Create said the trailer hilariously suggested that at this point, cloning would be the solution for the author to finish the latest book.

"Like in the Keaton film, each copy is missing a little bit of what made the original worthwhile, and with two Martins in charge of the book, one in charge of the scripts, and one who just says 'Hodor,'" it said.

In his official blog, George R.R. Martin said that he will announce the "Winds of Winter" release date when it's ready.

He wrote: "I don't play games with news about the books. I know how many people are waiting, how long they have been waiting, how anxious they are. I am still working on WINDS," wrote the "Winds of Winter" author. "When it's done, I will announce it here. There won't be any clues to decipher, any codes or hidden meanings, the announcement will be straightforward and to the point. I won't time it to coincide with Xmas or Valentine's Day or Lincoln's Birthday, the book will not rise from the dead with Jesus on Easter Sunday. When it is done, I will say that's it is done, on whatever day I happen to finish."

Multiplicity 2: Game of Clones
George R.R. Martin
Winds of Winter
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