Chef Gordon Ramsay Reviews Options After Losing Lawsuit; 'MasterChef' Host Faces Millions Of Legal Bills

Chef Gordon Ramsay is looking at his options after losing a court battle against his own father-in-law as the "MasterChef" host is now facing millions in legal fees.

According to the report from Daily Mail, the court's decision effectively ordered the "Hell's Kitchen" host to pay Gary Love for a London pub that his father-in-law rented.

The court's legal fees, including the cost of litigation as well as payment for his own lawyers, could reach as much as $2.4 million.

The case stemmed from "MasterChef" host Gordon Ramsay's refusal to pay Gary Love the rent because his father-in-law, Christopher Hutcheson, allegedly forged his signature to make him the guarantor for the $969,000 annual rent for the York & Albany pub near Regent's Park.

In the ruling, the judge said, "I find that when Mr Hutcheson committed Mr Ramsay to the guarantee in the lease of the premises, Mr Hutcheson was acting within the wide general authority conferred on him by Mr Ramsay at all times until Mr Hutcheson's dismissal in October 2010.

"Mr Ramsay may now regret the transaction in relation to the premises. He may particularly regret his involvement as a guarantor. He may consider that Mr Hutcheson did a bad deal. However, on any finding, he is not able to say that Mr Hutcheson exceeded his authority in any respect," the judge added.

Tana, Chef Gordon Ramsay's wife, is fully behind the "MasterChef" host as she said in an earlier statement that knowing her own father and brother have conspired to defraud her husband "was extremely distressing to me."

Tana Ramsay said she was aware of the use of the ghostwriter machine. But she added that she believed the machine was used for signing merchandise when the "MasterChef" host was unavailable.

"It did not even occur to me that the machine might be used to sign Gordon's signature on anything else," said Tana Ramsay per Sky News.

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