Kanye West Wants Kris Jenner To Back Off Over Kim Kardashian Moving Out, Feud With Matriarch Heats Up [PHOTO]

Kanye West has often spoken of Kris Jenner as a mother figure since the passing of his own mother, Donda West. However, Hollywood Life reports that Jenner has been overstepping her matriarchal role as of late - creating a feud and causing West to want her to back off and get a life of her own.

In a GQ interview, West talked about the best part of being married as "Having someone that I can call Mom again. That s-t is super cool." West lost his own mother in 2007, allegedly from complications caused by plastic surgery. He described the experience as "losing an arm and a leg and trying to walk through that."

He probably didn't expect his experience with his new "mom" to be similarly harrowing. He also probably didn't expect to be feuding with her over privacy so soon. Insider sources say that Jenner hasn't reacted to her daughter's move well, and "is constantly blowing up [Kim and Kanye's] phones offering to come over and help unpack boxes."

The source continued, "Kanye doesn't want to come off as ungrateful because he's not. He's thankful for everything Kris has done for him... But now he really wants to settle down with Kim and the baby and try to live their new life, in their new home as they work on extending their family. He doesn't want Kris around 24-7 and feels like she puts extra pressure on Kim, which isn't healthy for them and their sex life."

Before Kim and Kanye moved out of the Kardashian house, there were rumors that Kim was not excited about the move. This past November, Kris Jenner's boyfriend Corey Gamble said, "Um, it's not my business... I really don't think Kim wants to leave Kris."

Who knows - besides the feuding, maybe the whole Kardashian experience is just too much for West. Last December, the Daily Mail reported that Kanye "was adamant that Kim and North spend the Christmas holiday together, away from all of the holiday insanity of the Kardashians...The last thing Kanye wanted to do is spend the holidays with Kim's entire family."

Do you think Kris Jenner should be giving Kim and Kanye more privacy?

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