Julianne Moore Explains Why She Is Atheist: 'Still Alice' Actress Also Praises Planned Parenthood And Gun Control [PHOTO]

Actress Julianne Moore has recently announced that she is an atheist, and that she has forged her own path in her life without the aid of religion.

Moore maintains that all of her achievements have been due to her own hard work, and a little bit of luck. According to Hollywood Reporter, the 54-year-old beauty has received Golden Globe and SAG Awards for her performance in "Still Alice" as a college professor suffering from early-onset dementia. Furthermore, many Academy Awards prognosticators pick her as the favorite for this year's best actress in a leading role.

She stated, "The idea that you're the center of your own narrative and that you can create your life is a great idea... I totally believe it. I've been really lucky, but I feel I've completely created my own life."

World Religion News reports that Moore's decision to become an atheist is linked back to the circumstances of her mother's death from septic shock in 2009. She stated, "We don't know why it happened. She went to bed, and it turned out she had a huge bacterial infection...

I learned when my mother died five years ago that there is no 'there' there. Structure, it's all imposed. We impose order and narrative on everything in order to understand it. Otherwise, there's nothing but chaos."

Not everyone has taken warmly to Moore's liberal views. In the past, her support for Planned Parenthood and gun control sparked backlash on social media. She commented, "I get more reactions on Twitter about gun safety than anything else. I don't understand how we're threatening the Second Amendment because we're talking about gun safety rules. That, to me, is really shocking."

Julianne Moore
Still Alice
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