Andrew Garfield And Emma Stone Brave Public Eye For Oscar Date, Spider Man Couple Engaged Soon? [PHOTO]

We all know Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone usually don't like to be followed around by paparazzi - but it sounds like they'll have to brave the cameras' glare at this year's Academy Awards! According to Master Herald, Stone has stated that Garfield will be there by her side to support her, as she is nominated in the Best Supporting Actress Category for her role in "Birdman."

The cute and quirky couple has been dating since 2011, which is about the time they started filming "The Amazing Spider-Man." Judging from a recent viral photo on Reddit, they are still just as playful! According to the Huffington Post, Reddit user TreasureTrolls tried to take a sneaky photo of the couple at a restaurant only to be purposefully photobombed.

The photograph was originally taken by Alejandra Garibay, who stated, "Ultimately I decided to just take [a photo] quickly instead of interrupting their dinner. I would never interrupt their dinner like, 'Can I take your picture?' So I just wanted to take one really quickly and I guess they saw me."

Garibay added, "We just kind of laughed at each other. They're such a good couple; they're just like little teenagers in love."

Speaking of love, wedding bells are rumored to be ringing in the near future. According to Hollywood Life, a wedding ceremony may be taking place in Italy during the summer of 2015! There is no official word on how private the ceremony will be, as Garfield is known to be more introverted than Stone.

A source revealed, "Andrew would be happy with a city hall ceremony...but Emma wants something more dramatic and memorable." It seems that in order to know more, we will just have to wait for confirmation of their engagement.  Hopefully, it won't be long - the pair was seen looking at rings together in New York City's Diamond District back in May 2014. How sweet! 

Andrew Garfield
Emma Stone
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