Will Brian Williams' Iraq War Story Controversy Lead To Resignation? [RUMORS]

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams has been under fire for an ongoing controversy surrounding a story he allegedly falsified involving his experiences covering the Iraq War, with some going as far as calling for his resignation, the New York Times reports. 

"My inbox is filled today with producers who went to Iraq with me, to Afghanistan with me, to Haiti with me, all kind of wondering how you could mess this up," former CNN anchor Aaron Brown told the newspaper, recounting the scandal. 

"I have no answer for that. I will tell you that getting shot at is not something you forget."

Although Williams nor NBC officials have hinted whatsoever to the possibility of the news anchor' resigning, rumors on social media mention otherwise. Last December, Williams agreed to continue his contract with NBC and he is expected to earn up to $10 million annually for an expected period of five years. 

The long-time anchor admitted on Thursday that he made a mistake when he discussed riding a United States military helicopter that was being attacked by enemy fire during the Iraq War. The story is said to have taken place in 2003. 

Williams apologized and revealed that he was in fact riding another helicopter during the alleged incident.  

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