'Harry Potter' Cast Reunion? Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton To Reunite With Emma Watson For 'Beauty And The Beast?' [PHOTO]

After it was confirmed that Emma Watson will play Belle in Disney's live-action version of "Beauty and the Beast," there have been multiple rumors going about concerning who might play her Beast. According to the International Business Times, "Harry Potter" fans have already approved of either Daniel Radcliffe or Tom Felton for the role!

Wouldn't a "Harry Potter" reunion be nice? Daniel Radcliffe seems to think so. According to Vanity Fair, he congratulated Watson on her role, stating, "Just wanted to say: that's smashing news about 'Beauty and the Beast!' You were clearly made for that role. Oh God, I'm not trying to be flirty or lascivious. You are obviously so intelligent, and Beauty-or, Belle, I guess is her proper name-is very intelligent. She's well read!"

He continued jokingly, "I'm sure you're gonna go with Harry Styles or one of those Hemsworth giants, but don't forget: I can sing! And I've got a lot of hair! And it could be a little 'Harry Potter' reunion. But, you know, ignore me! I'm just a daffy English bloke."

As for Felton, Watson is known to have had a crush on him in the past. Their chemistry acting together has always been good - even though Watson famously gave him a right hook in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." Felton recalled, "She's got a mean right hook, that girl. It was originally a slap I think, so I said, 'Let's test it out now. Give me a slap and try to work on it,' meaning give me a screen slap, a fake slap...

 But she actually smacked me on the face pretty hard, and I walked away from that rather listening impaired with my tail tucked between my legs."

We'd be happy with either Felton of Radcliffe, as their years of experience acting with Watson have made them all very close. However, the rumors of who will play the elusive Beast are still ongoing, with Ryan Gosling being the latest focus.

Either way, we are looking forward to see Watson as Belle! According to the Latino Post, Watson stated, "[Beauty and the Beast] was such a big part of my growing up, it almost feels surreal that I'll get to dance to 'Be Our Guest' and sing 'Something There.' Time to start some singing lessons!"

Emma Watson
Tom Felton
harry potter
beauty and the beast
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