Madonna Talks Love, Sex, And '50 Shades Of Grey' In Billboard Interview, Calls E.L. James Novel 'So Unrealistic' [PHOTO]

Madonna has been quite busy lately - the Queen of Pop recently performed at the 2015 Grammy Awards, and her thirteenth studio album "Rebel Heart" is scheduled to be officially released this upcoming March (though six of its tracks have already been released). Nonetheless, she took some time to chat in an interview with Billboard about a variety of topics including love, sex, and "50 Shades of Grey."

Many of Madonna's song lyrics are very sexual in nature, and she even wrote a coffee table book titled "Sex" that was published in 1992. Therefore, it seems like she would be the perfect judge as to what is sexy these days. During the interview, she made clear that one thing she thinks isn't sexy is the extremely popular novel "50 Shades of Grey."

When asked if she had read E.L. James' novel, Madonna replied, "Yes, I have. It's pulp fiction. It's not very sexy, maybe for someone who has never had sex before. I kept waiting for something exciting and crazy to happen in that red room thing, and I was like, 'Hmm, a lot of spanking.' I also thought, 'This is so unrealistic because no guy goes down on a girl that much.' I'm sorry, but no one eats p---- as much as the guy in that book."

The topic then changed to love, with Madonna stating that she is currently not in love, but welcomes the possibility of it. For those who may not know, she and her much younger boyfriend Timor Steffens broke up in Aug. 2014. She said, "I'm a hopeless romantic. I love being in love. I mean, I'm in love with my children, but that's a different kind of love. It's the love that never ends."

Though she is currently 56 years old, Madonna is not afraid to express her sexuality, and we love that about her. She said on changing taboos, "...I continue to express myself -my sexuality - in my 50s, even though that's also considered taboo, and I get a lot of shit for it. But in 20 years, Miley Cyrus probably won't get shit for it. Then, it'll be like, 'Oh, yeah, that's nothing new.'"

50 shades of grey
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