Hailey Baldwin Covers Face As She Leaves Club With Rumored Boyfriend Justin Bieber; Sighting Happens After Model Claims She's Single

Hailey Baldwin tried to avoid paparazzi cameras as she left the club with rumored boyfriend Justin Beiber. The snap came in the wake of the model's confession that she's very much single.

On Saturday morning, Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber left a New York nightclub, Up and Down, together which suggested that the rumored lovebirds spent the night partying.

"Hailey tried to cover her face with a red woolly scarf as she made her way outside the venue in a gold Marc Jacobs dress and heavy black coat, which she teamed with nude platform pumps," said Daily Mail.

Just a few steps behind her, Hailey Baldwin's rumored boyfriend Justin Bieber emerged in an all-black ensemble along with what appeared to be Nike shoes inspired from what Michael J. Fox's character wore in "Back to the Future."

Justin Bieber seems to be trying to turn over a new leaf as he posted a video apologizing for being perceived as arrogant during a guesting on "Ellen DeGeneres Show." He said that he's moving on from his past transgressions and be the son that his mother raised him to be.

But in a People article, Hailey Baldwin dismissed the Justin Bieber dating rumors as she claimed that she doesn't have a Valentine's Day date.

"I have no plans because I am single, and it's okay with me," she said. "You know, we're just going to pretend like it's a normal Saturday and go on with our day."

In another interview with E! News, Hailey Baldwin hinted she's not dating the singer and claimed that Justin Bieber is not her boyfriend.

She said: "We're just friends. I've known him for a very long time, since I was about 13. He's just going through a time in his life where he's transitioning in a really positive way and he needs good people around him. And I'm trying to be a good friend and be there for him and support him."

Hailey Baldwin
Justin Bieber
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