Big Sean Too Young To Be Planning Wedding With Girlfriend Ariana Grande; Rapper Shares Struggles Before Current Success

Big Sean and girlfriend Ariana Grande might be in love, but it doesn't mean they are rushing to get married anytime soon.

In an interview with Larry King, the rapper also recounted the struggles he went through before reaping the reward of his hard work.

When the veteran newsman asked Big Sean if marriage is in the table for him and girlfriend Ariana Grande, the rapper said, "Aw, man. Not right now."

However, Big Sean is just 26 while Ariana Grande is just 21 years old, so thinking about marriage right now is a bit premature. The couple only just started dating in the summer of 2014 after the rapper split with "Glee" star Naya Rivera.

Big Sean told Larry King that he's friends for a while with Ariana Grande and their relationship just blossomed into something more intimate.

"We've been friends for a couple years. She's great though. She's awesome. She's great to work with...It's pretty serious," he said.

But does Big Sean want a "Little Sean" with Ariana Grande in the future?

The rapper told Larry King, "Yeah, eventually. That's the goal."

Big Sean and Larry King also talked about other topics such as his struggles growing up to achieve his goals.

"It was times when I was spending my last $40 on studio sessions," he said. "It was times when my parents didn't have money for new clothes, new this, new that, I had to go out there and figure it out on my own. Those are the things that made me who I am.

Big Sean also said that success-perhaps credit should also be given to girlfriend Ariana Grande-did change him but only "for the better."

"I'm definitely not the same person I was," the "Finally Famous" rapper said. "I'm definitely a better version of the old me."

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