Girls' Generation Tiffany-Yoona-Sooyoung-Sunny Donates 11 Tons of Rice

Girls' Generation members Tiffany, Yoona, Sunny and Sooyoung donated a total of 11 tons of rice.

They donated 11 tons of rice, which can feed 90,000 people and donated it to different places.

Tiffany donated her rice wreath from fans that sent it to support her musical "Fame". Yoona donated her rice wreath from her drama "Love Rain" press conference.

Sunny donated her rice wreath that she received while performing in the musical, "Catch me if you Can". Sooyoung donated her rice wreath from her fans for her "The 3rd Hospital" press conference.

The members donated the rice to the elderly, undernourished children and neighbors living in difficult situations.

Girls' Generation's donations have helped many people.

Girls Generation
Love Rain
Catch Me
The 3rd Hospital
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