George R.R. Martin Teases 2015 'Wind Of Winter' Release Date; Author Strikes Out Comic Con Appearances From Schedule?

Is George R.R. Martin bucking up to rush the "Winds of Winter" release date?

The author cancelled his appearance in the World Fantasy Convention in Saratoga and also the San Diego Comicon so he could work on his book.

In a blog post, he wrote, "This year the convention is returning to Saratoga once again, and I was hoping to return as well. I'm not a guest of honor, and I'm not (so far as I know) getting an award; I just wanted to go."

"Reluctantly, however, I've just had to scratch Saratoga off my list of 2015 appearances. For no reason having to do with the con itself. I am sure it will be terrific. It's just a matter of time."

"I have too much to do. Too many things on my plate. Son of Kong foremost amongst them," he added,

According to Winter is Coming website, the "Son of Kong" refers to "Book 6 of the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, the long awaited 'The Winds of Winter.'"

For the very same reason, George R.R. Martin will also skip the San Diego Comicon.

That should be good news for fans who have been egging the author to rush the "Winds of Winter" release date.

Seemingly as a postcript, George R.R. Martin also wrote on the blog post, "(Should I complete and deliver WINDS OF WINTER before these cons roll round, I reserve the right to change my mind)."

Wall Street Journal took this to mean that George R.R. Martin has not given up on a 2015 "Winds of Winter" release date.

"This means that in Martin's view, finishing 'The Winds of Winter' this year is a real possibility, a significant revelation coming from the author himself.," the article said.

"Last month when Martin commented on TWOW not being on his publisher's schedule this year, he gave no hints about a completion date."

"He has been circumspect about commenting on his writing progress in general, usually speaking in vague terms, or saying that he 'no longer writes things in blood," it added.

George R.R. Martin
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Winds of Winter
Winds of Winter release date
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