Kenya Moore And Phaedra Parks Make Peace During 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta' Cast's Visit To The Philippines

Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks reportedly made peace during the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" cast's recent visit to the Philippines.

According to a report from E!Online, Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks finally settled their differences with the help of group therapy and by talking to each other one-on-one.

"I was in a place of being angry. I was very hurt by what had transpired because really when we first met, we were working on a friendship," Phaedra Parks explained.

"At the end of the day, I can't change the past, I can only move forward and I'm ready to move forward. I've been ready to move forward."

The resolution between Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks also required them to get several issues off their chests.

"Even though you say you're over it, your behavior is not showing me that...You shut me down every single time," Kenya Moore told Phaedra Parks.

"The biggest blow of it is when you started calling me whores. You didn't respect me, care about me. You didn't even treat me like a human being."

"I just felt like I had no choice but to believe that you are literally just trying to destroy me," Kenya Moore explained while crying.

Phaedra Parks surprisingly apologized to Kenya Moore.

"At the end of the day, as a wife, I had to roll with my husband," Phaedra Parks explained.

"We don't go together anymore so I don't know what to believe anymore....It's not about you. It's about everything."

"Your slate is clear with me. I'm not looking back. I will never call you a whore again," Phaedra Parks promised.

The reconciliation between Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks ended in an invitation for them to attend church together.

"Why don't you go to church with me on Sunday?" Kenya Moore asked.

"Why don't we pray right now?" she added, as the two controversial reality stars prayed to finally end their long-running feud.

Kenya Moore Phaedra Parks
kenya moore
Phaedra Parks
real housewives of atlanta
The Real Housewives of Atlanta visit Philippines
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