Jon Snow Mother: Identity Of Jon Snow's Mother Revealed By Kit Harrington On Talk Show Skit? Watch Video Here!

"Game Of Thrones" Actor Kit Harrington made a guest appearance at the show, "Late Night with Seth Meyers" and almost revealed the identity of his character's mother in a comedy sketch.

The skit showed host Seth Meyers hosting a dinner party at his home, with Kit Harrington playing Jon Snow as one of the guests. The dinner table talk was repeatedly dampened with the revelations that Jon Snow contributed to the conversation.

Among others, Jon, revealed that he is an illegitimate child, his father's head got chopped off, his ex-girlfriend was killed by a child, and that his stepbrother was murdered at his own wedding.

The other guests looked repeatedly unnerved and uncomfortable at their unusual companion. At one point, one of the guests asks Meyers, "Where did you say you met him again?"

"Crossfit," Meyers answered.

The comedic sketch also referenced the mysterious identity of Jon Snow's mother, which has had fans guessing since the show started. Jon himself almost revealed who he thinks is mother is, but is abruptly interrupted by one of the guests.

In any case, there are many theories about Jon Snow's lineage. The best theory, according to Time magazine, is the one where Ned Stark supposedly lied about being Jon's father.

According to the theory, Jon is the son of Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark, and the former king, Rhaegar Taragaryen. "That means that Jon Snow could have even more of a claim to the Iron Throne than Daenerys," the source concluded.

But for Daenerys actress Emilia Clarke, if Jon and her character were ever to meet, she thinks it is possible that they could be involved romantically. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Clarke shared that Daenerys and Jon would romantically 'get together' because that is the Targaryen way in a "[keeping] the bloodline pure."

Watch the entire comedy sketch featuring Jon Snow here:

Jon Snow Mother
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