Did the Ellen DeGeneres Matt Lauer Prank Go Too Far? Supposed Conclusion Called 'Fake' By Fans!

The pranking feud between comedienne host Ellen DeGeneres and Daytime host Matt Lauer has reportedly ended.

This is after the pranking began when Ellen photoshopped an image of Matt Lauer to look like a character from the erotic film. "50 shades of grey." Ellen has done so numerous times before Matt retaliated by pranking the comedienne with pingpong balls. The Today show host filled Ellen's car with 20,000 pingpong balls, and with the help of Ellen's interns, they proved to be successful. After that prank, Ellen again, took to photoshop to alter Matt's appearance. She put Matt's head on top of a naked model's body and made it look like Matt was talking to her while naked and playing pinpong. Matt then, came back with his biggest prank to date, which is posting two billboards in L.A. with Ellen's face in it. The billboard is a fake ad for plumbing services and has a photoshopped image of a model bending over and revealing his butt crack with Ellen's head.

Ellen then came back during the latest video for the Emmy awards. The clip has Ellen and Matt side by side as they announced that their feud has ended officially. "In the spirit of the Daytime Emmys, Ellen and I are here to announce we are officially ending our prank war," said Lauer. After which his clothes were stripped off of him and revealed a lingerie underneath. This is signaling that the war might not be over after all as Ellen got him again.

"Matt has generously offered to donate $1,000 of his own money to charity any time one of y'all thank Matt Lauer in your speech tonight," DeGeneres added in the clip.

Fans were quick to call the supposed conclusion fake, as Matt has fired back once again with another prank.

His latest retaliation was posted through his twitter account. "Wouldn't it be great if @TheEllenShow matched my donations to charity?" tweeted the host. "Let her know at #thankyouEllen! Pranks for giving!"

As to what move Ellen will do next, we have yet to find out. But some fans seem to think that the pranking has gone a little to far despite its entertainment value. Some say the nudity shown during the times that Ellen chooses to photoshop Matt's head on a naked model's body is not for TV viewing.

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