'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot Becomes Caped Crusader? Will She Be Part Of Upcoming 'Batman V Superman' Teaser?

New concept art for "Wonder Woman" shows Gal Gadot in a traditional cape as reports alleged that her origin story would be introduced in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" in preparation for her standalone film.

Early peek of the costume worn by Gal Gadot was mixed, but mostly antagonistic since it deviated from the attire the Amazon warrior wears in comics. The costume, in fact, resembled what Lucy Lawless wore in "Xena: Warrior Princess."

"Sentiments toward Gal Gadot's casting as Wonder Woman (who was not shown in the trailer) have tended to be even pricklier," said Yahoo. "But might there be a change in the wind with the reveal of a new, full colour look at the actress in costume?"

However, the new costume shared by Umberto Gonzales on his Instagram shows Gal Gadot's "Wonder Woman" wearing the familiar red, blue and gold. This time, she's also wearing a cape, which some might not know the Amazon princess actually wore.

"It's also our first indication that she will be clad in what looks to be a pretty impressive cape, which is by no means a mainstay of the DC Comics superheroine's costume," it said.

Meanwhile, according to Erin Robinson of Clevver Movies, the origin story of Gal Gadot's "Wonder Woman" might be introduced in the "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice."

"The Amazonian princess is a demi-god, her father is Zeus," she said. "The Zeus father storyline is in line with the rebooted Wonder woman comic series, which is doing pretty well."

"DC could be setting up wonder woman to be their version of Thor, and could be a huge hit to not only how she'll be portrayed in Dawn of Justice but also what we could potentially see in the much-rumored solo movie," she added.

It's not clear, however, if Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman will be shown in the next teaser for "Batman V Supeman" trailer.

Wonder Woman
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Gal Gadot
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