'Mad Men' Final Season Spoiler: Fan Theory From Two Years Ago Proven Right? Details Leaked!

"Mad Men" fan Lindsey Green wrote about how the show will end two years ago, and now that the AMC drama is on its final season, it looks like her conspiracy theory is being proven right.

Lindsey Green wrote on Medium that the show "Mad Men" was about the great mysterious figure of D.B. Cooper. She entitled her post, "Where Don Draper Ends, D.B. Cooper Begins," and she detailed how Don Draper will actually transform into D.B. Cooper as the show takes a bow. "D.B. Cooper" is the man who skyjacked a Boeing 727 in 1971. Wearing a suit and tie, the man handed a note to the flight attendant and whispered in her ear, "Miss, you'd better look at that note. I have a bomb."

Cooper then asked for four parachutes and $200,000 in cash in exchange for not detonating the bomb in the plane. After authorities gave in to his demands, Cooper ordered the pilots to fly to Mexico. But before getting there, Cooper opened the stair door of the plane, jumped, and was not heard or seen from again.

Green's D.B. Cooper theory for "Mad Men" has been getting stronger and stronger as the finale draws near. There have been similarities in Don Draper and D.B. Cooper and the show is littered with clues that seem to support her theory. Don's former boss is named Bert Cooper, and he is one of the few characters that know Don has been working under a presumed identity.

Cooper died last season but then showed up again in the show as a ghost to give some advice to Don Draper. Plus Don is shown to be driving towards an undisclosed location in the west.

"Earlier in the season, when it turned out that [SCDP] were never going to open the West Coast office, I got a little nervous," Green said in an interview with The Daily Beast. "But I kept saying, 'They've only got to get him out West once in the next few episodes."

"So the second he got in the car, I knew," she added.

Another clue is that the last thing that Don saw before going a road trip is an airplane flying over the New York city skyline.

"He's started already using a different name," Green continued. "At this point, one way or another, I think Don Draper will no longer exist."

"How that forms and how it takes shape we'll see over the next two episodes," Green said. "I think Don Draper is over. Ever since Anna Draper died, he's very clearly been seeking out a new identity."

Mad Men Final Season Spoiler
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