Lindsay Lohan 2015 News: ‘Mean Girls’ Star Finishing Community Service Order In Brooklyn; Actress May Face Jail If Not Done By End Of This Month

Lindsay Lohan 2015 news reported how the "Mean Girls" star is finishing her community service order in Brooklyn. According to a report from New York Dail News, the former child star could face jail if she is not done by end of May.

In line with a 2012 reckless driving incident, Lindsay Lohan 2015 news reported how she has less than a month to complete her community service plea deal. The requirement will be completed by the actress at the Duffield Children's Center in Fort Greene.

"She has started her community service today," said Ivonne Lopez, Duffield's director of early childhood programs, last Wednesday.

"Today she is doing clerical work. She is completing some of the clearances that we need. And she will be here pretty much all day,"

"She got here super early. I don't know exact time but she was here early," the directress added.

Lindsay Lohan 2015 news also reported how the actress proudly shared her time with the patients of Duffield Children's Center through an Instagram post.

"Happy to be home with my family and friends. Missed this place," Linsday Lohan wrote alongside a group photo.

Even though Lindsay Lohan will have to race to finish her community service requirements, she and her family believe that she can complete her court order.

"I don't care what anyone else says. She's back and she's started with the process. She'll get it done," dad Michael Lohan said.

The court reminded Lindsay Lohan of the consequences if she does not finish her community service duty.

"If not done by May 28, there will be consequences," pointed out Los Angeles Judge Mark Young.

Santa Monica Deputy City Attorney Melanie Skehar said that Linday Lohan might have a hard time completing her community service duties in less than three weeks.

"Is it possible? It's possible. Is it probable? No," Melanie Skehar said.

"When you have a responsibility and you know what you have to complete by a certain date, there's no excuse."

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