Ronda Rousey Says She Would Only Fight Mayweather If They 'Ended Up Dating'

MMA fighter Ronda Rousey took a jab at Floyd Mayweather in a recent interview for the new "Entourage" movie.

Access Hollywood's Stephanie Bauer asked the 28 year-old mixed martial artist if she would ever be up for a fight with Mayweather.

"Well, I would never say that I can't beat anyone, but I don't think me and him would ever fight," Rousey explained. "Unless we ended up dating."

As many know, Mayweather has a long history of harming women. According to, "the fighter has been accused of beating five women in at least seven assaults, and been found guilty in four of those charges."

In 2003, he was found guilty of battery during a nightclub incident, followed by another one in 2005 for misdemeanor assault. Earlier this year, reports surfaced that he alledgedly choked his ex-girlfriend's 19 year-old son.

The undefeated boxer defended himself, saying there isn't any proof to support the accusations.

"No bumps, no bruises, no nothing," he explained in a statement from ESPN. "You guys have yet to see any pictures of a battered woman." 

But one another one of Mayweather's ex-girlfriends, Josie Harris, did, in fact, have bruises on her during a confrontation in September 2010.

"Did he beat me to a pulp?" said Josie Harris in an interview with Yahoo! sports. "No, but I had bruises on my body and contusions and [a] concussion because the hits were to the back of my head. I believe it was planned to do that," adding "because the bruises don't show."

The report indicates that the altercation happened when Mayweather returned to Harris' home at 5 a.m. on Sept. 9. Police had already responded to a verbal dispute earlier that day. Harris stated that she was asleep in her living room when she woke up to Mayweather, holding her mobile phone, confronting her about messages from NBA Pacer's guard C.J. Watson.

Harris and Mayweather were no longer together when the incident happened. But, according to Harris, Mayweather prohibits her from seeing other men while living in a house he owned.

Mayweather reportedly grabbed Harris by the hair and punched her in the back of her head.

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