Huck Finn's In New Orleans Fires Waiter Who Handed Out Customers Receipt With N-Word Printed On It

A Huck Finn's Cafe in Louisiana fired an employee after he reportedly handed out a group of diners a receipt containing a racist term.

According to The New York Daily News, Dakota Crochet, 23, was terminated from the French Quarter sports bar after he handed a receipt to a group of African-American customers with the phrase "N----- 100% dislike" written on it.

"I printed those receipts 50 times a day," claimed a former Huck Finn waitress. "I was like, are you that hateful that you would put that on the receipt?"  

One of the customers, Liryca Neville Branch, daughter of famed New Orleans musician Cyril Nevelle, is considering taking legal action and demands an apology from both Crochet and the establishment's management.

"I've never had anything like this happen before to me," she said in a statement. "Trust me - this is not over. I refuse to let this die out."

Branch, daughter of one of The Neville Brothers was dining at a Huck Finn's Cafe in Lousiana with three coworkers when they were given a cheque containing the "racial slur in all capitals."

The former waitress , Melani, who refused to give her surname, said she was shocked when she saw the Huck Finn's incident on her Instagram feed.

"When I saw it, I wanted to know who the hell printed it," she said. "When I saw it was Dakota, I was like you have to be f---- kidding me."

Melani, who is African-American, claims she never experienced any racist gestures from his former colleague in the three months they worked together.

Huck Finn's has issued two public statements saying the waiter responisble for the incident at the French Quarter sports bar was fired due to the "offensive and completely unacceptable" receipt.

"The unfortunate actions of this one employee do not mirror the mission of Huck Finn's Cafe's firm non-discrimination policy, and we are extremely apologetic for any inconvenience this may have caused," the statement said.

"We acknowledge that the anger and disappointment being expressed is legitimate and has serious merit," continuing "we want everyone to know that we agree."

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