Charlie Charlie Challenge: Newest Twitter Trend Has Teens Trying To Summon A Mexican Demon!

The latest trend to hit Twitter is called the "Charlie Charlie Challenge." It has become viral since its creation just this Monday.

According to CBS 6, the "Charlie Charlie Challenge" involves the use of a piece of paper and two pieces of pencils. The paper is divided into four boxes, which the participants have to write the words "yes" and no" in. After writing the words, participants must place the pencils in a cross-wise position. After which, they will ask out loud, "Charlie, Charlie are you here?"

After asking the question, participants are expected to wait to see if the pencils move. Should they do, that allegedly means that "Charlie" is present and that is ready to answer the participants' questions with either a "yes" or a "no."

Numerous sites published articles about the game obviously being a hoax, one of which is The Indepedent. According to the site, the reason for the pencils turning is not because of the presence of a demon, but instead, is due to gravity.

The pencils have to be balanced perfectly on top of each other for it to not move. This precision only lasts for a while as even the slightest breath of air or any movement from outside forces causes the pencil on top to move and rotate. This action from the object are what teenagers are so convinced is the work of the demon. 

"The arrangement of pencils that the game requires means that they'll always move, because it's just not a natural position for them to be in," the source added.

While many teenagers believe in the "Charlie Charlie Challenge," Numerous people do not. These people have taken to social media to post parodies of the said game. One user, which Time cited, changed the "Yes" and "No" words to photos of different photos of Beyonce. Above the division, he wrote, "Who will I marry?" He captioned the image with, "Charlie, Charlie, can we play?"

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