Amy Schumer Set To Be The Next Bachelorette? ABC Head Wants Her In As He Tweets An Offer!

Comedienne Amy Schumer has been the headlines of the entertainment reports recently, this is after numerous fans are campaigning for her to be the next bachelorette on ABC's hit reality show, "The Bachelorette."

As known to fans, Schumer recently went on a few episodes of "The Bachelorette" to give advices to the male contestants who were about to undergo a test on stand up comedy. Viewers were particularly amused at how addressed JJ's attitude and how she wasn't phased by him at all. Considered to be "the house jerk," Amy knocked some sense into the contestant and told him that he was not funny and that he is not smarter that he thinks he is than everyone else in the house.

After the episode aired, numerous fans took to social media to express their wish that Amy be the next female to be featured as "The Bachelorette." Time published the screenshots of some of the users campaigning for this.

"I vote @amyschumer as next bachelorette," said a user named Jac Vanek. 

"All I want is for @amyschumer to be the next bachelorette," tweeted user Michelle Money. "And for me to get the final rose. I really don't think that's asking too much."

Even celebrity Mike Fleiss joined in on the twitter campaign. "@amyschumer for next season's Bachelorette. Big time TV/movie stars are dime a dozen," he said. "C'mon, Amy! #draftAmy"

To add to this, ABC'c head of programming, Robert Mills, also expressed his interest in having Amy Schumer as the next Bachelorette. "OK here is the official offer to @amyschumer to become #TheBachelorette," he tweeted. "Just say yes and we start tomorrow. #DraftAmy"

The comedienne has yet to release her own statement addressing the current pressure being brought onto her by both the producers and the viewers of the show.

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