Blake Lively’s ‘Preserve’ Not Competing With Gwyneth Paltrow’s Lifestyle Website? ‘GOOP’ Founder Slams Comparisons Between Her And Other Actresses’ Brands

Blake Lively's "Preserve" is not competing with Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle website. According to a feature from TIME, the "GOOP" founder slammed the comparisons between her and brands of other actresses' brands.

"I'm fascinated how the media in particular are so confounded by entrepreneurial women doing something outside of their box," Gwyneth Paltrow said about "GOOP" being pitted against other lifestyle websites, such as Blake Lively's "Preserve."

"Jessica [Alba], especially, who's a friend of mine-our businesses could not be more different. There's not a lifestyle piece to her business. The fundamentals of our sites are very different. Reese launched-our businesses have similarities, but hers has retail."

"People are grasping at straws to tie us together and I get it, because it makes a good story, but I'm slightly offended by this sort of generalization that happens with myself and Jessica and Reese and Blake," the Oscar-winning actress said.

Gwyneth Paltrow said "GOOP" being compared to Blake Lively's "Preserve" and other similar projects is tiring and "slightly misogynistic."

"This is a common theme," she said.

"I think Reese and Jessica and I-I don't know Blake Lively, and I don't know if Jessica and Reese know each other-I'm friends with both of them and I speak to both of them and I want to do everything I can to support their businesses."

"I feel very proud when Jessica was on the cover of Forbes. I think that's amazing. You can quantitatively say, "Look what she's done, she's been able to conceive of a business and scale it to that size, in that amount of time," the ex-wife of Chris Martin explained.

Similar to Gwyneth Paltrow standing by "GOOP," Blake Lively also defended "Preserve."

"I see what happens in the world of female entrepreneurs and I see what the media does," Blake Lively told TIME. "And that they pit women against each other and there's an "or"-should women stick to this or this?"

"You don't see male entrepreneurs pitted against each other, destroyed, picked apart, and every word they say served up to judge," the "Gossip Girl" actress pointed out.

Blake Lively Preserve
Gwyneth Paltrow GOOP
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