‘Batman V Superman’ Leaves Little Screen Time For Gal Gadot’s ‘Wonder Woman?’ But Actress’ Character To Get Fair Share In Merchandise Lines

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman might not get a long screen time in "Batman V Superman" but the Amazon princess might still rake in a lot of money in merchandise sales.

Peter Flynn wrote for Movie Pilot that with a lot of characters introduced in "Batman V Superman," in line with the intention of producers to spin off new movies, there's not a lot of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman that can be shown.

"With a movie as stocked as Dawn of Justice, I'm almost worried there just won't be any room for Wonder Woman," he wrote. "Oh sure, there's enough room for her to be in the movie in general, but perhaps the narrative and screen time simply accommodates Batman and Superman to such a degree that Wonder Woman is barely developed."

The article also claimed that Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman might be relegated to a love interest to Henry Cavill's Superman, although that's unlikely owing to the "Batman V Superman" storyline, and the fact that Clark Kent is in love with Lois Lane at this point.

"One thing that gives me hope for this iteration of Wonder Woman is Gal Gadot herself. While she certainly doesn't have that classical robust Wonder Woman image, there's an awareness to her that seems ready to be taken to great places," he said.

There's also another advantage to introducing Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in "Batman V Superman" and that's the potential income from merchandise sales.

Karen McTier, executive vice president of Warner Bros. Consumer Products, that the licensing deals for merchandise items won't exclude the Amazon princess.

She explained, "Our comprehensive program will include Wonder Woman in the merchandise lines and in standalone products supporting the film."

"We have always had a robust line for Wonder Woman, and her role in this film and future films offers us more opportunities to feature her character and empowering attributes in many creative ways."

Batman V Superman
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Gal Gadot
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