Stephanie March, Bobby Flay’s Recent Divorce Conference Drama Free; ‘ Law & Order: SVU’ Actress Shows Fashion Flair During Outing

Celebrity chef Bobby Flay and "Law & Order: SVU" actress Stephanie March have been sniping at each other throughout their messy divorce proceedings but on Thursday, the prenup conference was relatively drama-free.

Stephanie March arrived at the divorce conference looking more like a tourist than somebody fighting for her share of the millions, noted Page Six.

"Keeping her cool in the 90-degree heat, the spurned spouse of celebrity chef Bobby Flay looked more like a tourist than party to a nasty divorce as she sashayed into Manhattan matrimonial court Thursday under a stylish lavender parasol," the article noted.

Inside the courtroom, Bobby Flay and estranged wife Stephanie March reportedly "kept a frosty distance" from each other, said NY Daily News.

"Seated at opposite ends of a large, chilly courtroom, they amused themselves for more than an hour with magazines and cell phones while their teams of lawyers conferred privately with Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper in a small room behind the bench," the article said.

The proceedings were certainly more civilized compared to their hearing last month when Stephanie March admonished Bobby Flay and his lawyers for speaking to the media about the divorce.

"At one point Thursday, March happily chatted with a reporter about her outfit - white linen culottes, blue print silk blouse and beige pumps while Flay laughed when asked what he would do with fresh tarragon," NY Daily News added.

Earlier this month, Bobby Flay's Walk of Fame induction was spoiled when a plane flew overhead carrying a huge banner that reads "Cheater."

"Flay is going through a very messy divorce with March, so most were quick to assume the 'Law & Order: SVU' actress was behind the prank," Extra TV noted.

But Stephanie March's lawyer, Deborah Lans, denied the charge as she said in a statement, "Stephanie is absolutely not behind [this]."

Stephanie March
Bobby Flay
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