Jodi Arias Tesftifies: Doesn't Remember Stabbing Husband 27 Times

During her testimonial in Phoenix, Jodi Arias claimed not to remember stabbing her husband 27 times and a lot after.

It's been almost two months in the murder trial of Travis Alexander, which took place on June 4, 2008. If convicted, Arias can face the Death Penalty. It was time for Arias to testify what she believed happened that day.

"I just remember dropping the knife and being very freaked out and screaming," Arias, 32, told the jury. There was no recollection of one stabbing, let alone 27 stabs at the man.

Prior to recalling her husband's death, she went into kinky details of their sex life. According to Arias, the two used the knife prior to the stabbing during sex. Arias told the court that the knife was put in the dishwasher after the stabbing.

Before the stabbing, Arias said she was using self-defense against Alexander, who was chasing her throughout the home, with the gun. She said the gun was at the top of his walk-in closet.

"The gun went off, I didn't even mean to shoot, I didn't know my hand was on the trigger," Arias testified. From there, they wrestled on the ground, not knowing she shot him. "There's a lot of that day that I don't remember; there's a lot of gaps," referring to what happened after he was dead.

Since the murder, Arias has changed her story. She first said she had no connection to the crime. Later, she said intruders killed Alexander and almost killed her.

"I basically told everyone what I could remember of the day, and that the intruder story was all B.S.," Arias said at the close of her testimony. 

She admitted to throwing the gun in the desert, cleaning up the blood on her hands, driving to Utah to see another man.

Prosecutors suggest Arias killed Alexander out of jealousy for there being a new woman in his life.  They believe the gun was really stolen from her grandparents' home in Yreka, California weeks earlier. After shooting him, they believed she stabbed him 27 times.

 "I have no memory of stabbing him," Arias told jurors, who previous heard testimony that Alexander was shot in the head and repeatedly stabbed, and that his throat was slashed ear to ear. 

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