George R.R. Martin's Busy Schedule Getting In The Way Of 'Winds Of Winter' Release Date? 'Game Of Thrones' Author's Hints Prove Jon Snow Not Really Dead?

"Winds of Winter" release date possibly announced before April of 2016 as George R.R. Martin give fans hope following Jon Snow's death.

In an earlier interview, George R. R. Martin said that he wanted to announce the release date for "Winds of Winter" before "Game of Thrones" season 6.

"I wish it was out now. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic about how quickly I can finish. But I canceled two convention appearances, I'm turning down a lot more interviews-anything I can do to clear my decks and get this done," he said.

HBO has tabled the premiere date "Game of Thrones" season 6 on April 8, so if George R. R. Martin is true to his words, the "Winds of Winter" release date will be announced before then.

Fans are worried that George R.R. Martin's tendency to take on multiple projects will delay the release date for "Winds of Winter."

For example, he wrote in his blog, "Life is impossibly busy right now. I am wrestling with the Son of Kong (that is, working on THE WINDS OF WINTER), trying to wrap up a final round of edits and revisions on the twenty-third Wild Cards book (HIGH STAKES), developing three new series concepts for HBO and Cinemax, hiring writers and directors for three short low-budget films I am hoping to produce based on some classic SF short stories (more on that in the months to come)."

Meanwhile, fans who were devastated that Jon Snow is dead can take comfort from George R. R. Martin's interview with Entertainment Weekly.

"Oh, you think he's dead, do you?"

George R.R. Martin was asked about whether Jon Snow is really dead by the magazine a few months back and he said, "If there's one thing we know in A Song of Ice and Fire is that death is not necessarily permanent."

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Winds of Winter release date
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