Win Or Lose? Judge Slashes Damages In Pharell Williams, Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines' Lawsuit But Gaye Family Gets Share In Future Earnings

First the good news, a US district judge cut the damages by $2 million in the copyright infringement suit filed by Marvin Gaye's estate against Pharell Williams and Robin Thicke for the song "Blurred Lines."

But there's a bad news: the Marvin Gaye estate will get a significant portion of future earnings for the hit song.

"US district judge John A Kronstadt ruled that the copyright infringement verdict a jury reached in March should be cut from nearly $7.4m to $5.3m, because the original award was not supported by the evidence," reported The Guardian. "The actual damages have reduced from $4m to just under $3.2m, and the cut of the profits that Williams has to pay has been slashed from $1.6m to $358,000."

But the family only acceded to the judge's ruling with regard to Robin Thicke and Pharelle Williams lawsuit on the agreement that half of the future revenues from "Blurred Lines" should go to the Marvin Gaye estate.

"It was previously revealed that the song had made a staggering $16million for Pharrell, Thicke, rapper T.I. and the record company, though T.I. and various record and music companies had previously been cleared of copyright infringement charges," said Daily Mail.

Their attorneys released a statement claiming that the ruling favoring the Marvin Gaye estate has set "a horrible precedent for music and creativity going forward."

"While we respect the judicial process, we are extremely disappointed in the ruling," the statement read. "'Blurred Lines' was created from the heart and minds of Pharrell, Robin and T.I. and not taken from anyone or anywhere else. We are reviewing the decision, considering our options and you will hear more from us soon about this matter."

In a previous interview with The New York Times, Robin Thicke insisted that he and Pharrell Williams didn't copy Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give it Up" to make "Blurred Lines."

"When 'Blurred Lines' first exploded, I had this chip on my shoulder: 'Hey, wait a second! I've been doing this for 15 years, guys!' And then, you know, I started to force it a little bit," Robin Thicke said.

"The ego is a very dangerous place. I was supposed to be living the dream, and yet I was in a nightmare because of a crumbling marriage. I had finally reached the pinnacle of success - on paper, I had it all. But I wasn't happy."

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