Calvin Harris Introducing Taylor Swift To His Parents? ‘Style’ Singer’s Family ‘Impressed’ With DJ?

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris love story seemed to get better and better. Rumors are abuzz now that the DJ has been reported to be bringing the singer home to meet his parents.

As told by Mail Online, Us Weekly reported on Wednesday that Harris and Swift will be UK bound pretty soon. The DJ planned to make the travel so Swift can finally meet the family. The DJ was born and raised in Scotland.         

Back In June, the Daily Star also reported of said plans for Swift to meet Harris' parents. It was even reported that Swift planned to take her mom with her if ever she will meet with the DJ's family.

"Calvin has hired the private dining room in the Ubiquitous Chip restaurant for the meeting," the source told Daily Star as quoted by OK! Magazine.

"Taylor's mum Andrea is also hoping to fly over between treatments for her cancer," the source added.

None from Harris and Swift's camp have yet to confirm the rumors.

The "Feel So Close" DJ, meanwhile, has already crossed that bridge and have met Swift's parents.

In a report on Hollywood Life in April, it was mentioned that Calvin Harris met Taylor Swift's family early on their dating.

"When they were in Nashville, he met her whole family," an insider shared. "Calvin made a great impression and handled it like a champ, but it's pretty early to meet the parents!"

The couple's relationship purportedly was going well. In a recent interview, Harris even gushed nonstop about how great a girlfriend Swift was.

"It's not even a case of ticking all the boxes, there's boxes that I didn't even know existed she ticks," Harris told Manchester Key 103 recently as cited by Yahoo! News.

He also shared that their relationship works because they always make time for each other.

"She's on her world tour and I'm based in LA," Calvin Harris said about Taylor Swift. "But the luxury is that we can both travel very easily and that's one of the reasons why it works so well. It's really not hard to see each other on a regular basis."

Taylor Swift Calvin Harris
Feel So Close
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